Decorative Plants That Are Toxic to Cats

Decorative Plants That Are Toxic to Cats

Cats are curious little things at home who always try to get into trouble. If you have cats at home, then you have to carefully choose the indoor and outdoor plants you have around the house. Some plants can be downright toxic to cats when ingested. Here is a list of all decorative plants that are dangerous for cats. 

Dieffenbachia is a perennial indoor plant that is widely grown for its decorative purposes. There are so many different species of the plant that are grown around the country. If you have this plant at home, make sure your cat does not consume its leaves. Ingesting the plant can cause excessive drooling and vomiting in cats and a burning sensation in the mouth.

Another in the list of decorative plants that are dangerous for cats is jade. Jade is widely grown as an indoor and outdoor plant; it is beautiful and easy to maintain. This is also called Japanese rubber or dwarf rubber plant. Jade plants are toxic to cats, and ingestion can lead to problems, including balance loss, incoordination, vomiting, and gastrointestinal issues.

Lilies are such beautiful decorative plants that are grown for their pleasant smelling and large flowers. However, did you also know that lilies are among the most dangerous plants at home when you own a cat? Ingesting the leaves, flowers, and even the bulbs of the lily plant can cause kidney failure in cats.

Sago Palm
A vital name in the list of decorative plants that are dangerous for cats is sago palm. This is also called cardboard palm or coontie palm. This beautiful palm tree can be found in a lot of outdoor gardens as a centerpiece, and ingesting any part of the plant can cause a variety of issues in your cat. Some of the symptoms of sago palm toxicity are:

  • Vomiting
  • Increased thirst
  • Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
  • Liver failure and liver damage
  • Death

Aren’t tulips beautiful flowers? These come in so many colors and when in season, your entire garden will be filled with blooms that might catch the attention of your cat. Tulips are also decorative plants that are dangerous for cats when ingested. While all parts of the plant are harmful, the bulbs are especially dangerous. Eating the plant can cause depression, diarrhea, vomiting, and hypersalivation.

In most families, cats are a part of the family, and they are treated with the love and care shown to the children at home. This is why it is very important to know the list of toxic plants for your cats and keep them away from your house. If your cat has mistakenly ingested an unknown plant, take him to the vet immediately.